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Vascular Complications

In hypertensive patients, blood vessels are subjected to chronic hemodynamic stress, leading to a series of structural and functional changes that progressively impair their ability to adapt to blood pressure fluctuations.

The main histological alterations observed in the vessels of hypertensive patients include:
Hypertension affects not only the structure of blood vessels but also their function. The main pathophysiological consequences include:
The vascular alterations associated with hypertension directly contribute to ischemic and hemorrhagic events. Specifically:

The most severe vascular complications occur in the following regions:

The vascular complications of hypertension require close blood pressure monitoring and targeted management of risk factors to prevent irreversible organ damage.

  1. Laurent S, et al. *Aortic stiffness as a cardiovascular risk factor*. *J Hypertens*. 2001;19(12):2281-2292.
  2. Safar ME, et al. *Arterial stiffness as a risk factor for cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients*. *Hypertension*. 2005;46(1):111-117.
  3. Mitchell GF, et al. *Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular events: the Framingham Heart Study*. *Circulation*. 2010;121(4):505-511.
  4. Chobanian AV, et al. *The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure*. *Hypertension*. 2003;42(6):1206-1252.
  5. Williams B, et al. *2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension*. *Eur Heart J*. 2018;39(33):3021-3104.
  6. Thijssen DHJ, et al. *The role of nitric oxide in vascular adaptation to exercise in humans*. *Int J Sports Med*. 2009;30(2):69-75.
  7. Virmani R, et al. *Pathology of the vulnerable plaque*. *J Am Coll Cardiol*. 2006;47(8 Suppl):C13-C18.
  8. Iadecola C, et al. *Impact of hypertension on the cerebral circulation: causes and consequences*. *J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich)*. 2016;18(10):907-911.
  9. Liao D, et al. *Arterial stiffness and the development of hypertension: the ARIC study*. *Hypertension*. 1999;34(2):201-206.